Results for 'ʻĀdil ibn Būzayd ʻĪsāwī'

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  1.  35
    Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Riḍwān's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt"Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Ridwan's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt".George Saliba, Michael W. Dols, Adil S. Gamal, Ibn Riḍwān & Ibn Ridwan - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):174.
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    Michael W. Dols & Adil S. Gamal, eds. Medieval Islamic Medicine. Ibn Ridwan's Treatise ‘On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt’. Translated and introduced by M. W. Dols, with Arabic text by A. S. Gamal. Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1984. Pp. xv + 186 + 63. ISBN 0-420-04836-9. $28. [REVIEW]Roger French - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (2):211-212.
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    About the Words Those Have Semantic Changes in The Text Of Ebri H'ce İbn-i Âdil, Called Kit'b-ı Usûlü'l-Mel'hame.Ayşe Aydin - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:373-388.
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    Law and Morality at War.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The laws are not silent in war, but what should they say? What is the moral function of the law of armed conflict? Should the law protect civilians who do not fight but help those who do? Should the law protect soldiers who perform non-combat functions or who may be safely captured? How certain should a soldier be that an individual is a combatant rather than a civilian before using lethal force? What risks should soldiers take on themselves to avoid (...)
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    The Muwashshahat and the Kharjas tell their own story.Jareer A. Abu-Haidar, Ibn Baqi & Ihsan Abbas - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):43 - 98.
    Se ha dicho que para entender una literatura lo mejor es leer sus obras, y no lo que sobre ella se ha dicho o escrito. Este artículo, en cuatro partes, es un intento de estudiar las nuwashshahat y sus kharjas, basado solamente, dentro de lo posible, en los textos con los que contamos. El artículo llega a tres conclusiones, no del todo nuevas para mis lectores: 1. Si bien las nuwashshahat fueron producto de la tradición literaria clásica árabe, su desarrollo (...)
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    (2 other versions)Responsible conduct of research.Adil E. Shamoo - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by David B. Resnik.
    Scientific research and ethics -- Ethical theory and decision making -- Data acquisition and management -- Mentoring and professional relationship -- Collaboration in research -- Authorship -- Publication and peer review -- Misconduct in research -- Intellectual property -- Conflicts of interest and scientific objectivity -- The use of animals in research -- The use of human subjects in research -- The use of vulnerable subjects in research -- Genetics, cloning, and stem cell research -- International research.
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  7. Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A Philosophical Tale.Ibn Tufayl & Lenn Evan Goodman (eds.) - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    The Arabic philosophical fable _Hayy Ibn Yaqzan _is a classic of medieval Islamic philosophy. Ibn Tufayl, the Andalusian philosopher, tells of a child raised by a doe on an equatorial island who grows up to discover the truth about the world and his own place in it, unaided—but also unimpeded—by society, language, or tradition. Hayy’s discoveries about God, nature, and man challenge the values of the culture in which the tale was written as well as those of every contemporary society. (...)
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    Nihāyat al-qaṣd wa-al-tawassul fī fahm qawlat al-dawr wa-al-tasalsul.Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥīm Ṭahṭāwī - 2022 - Irbid, al-Urdun: Rakāʼiz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Muḥammad Yāyā.
    Logic; Islamic philosophy; Islam--doctrines.
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    Law and Morality at War.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):79-97.
    Through a critical engagement with Jeremy Waldron’s work, as well as the work of other writers, I offer an account of the relative scope of the morality of war, the laws of war, and war crimes. I propose an instrumentalist account of the laws of war, according to which the laws of war should help soldiers conform to the morality of war. The instrumentalist account supports Waldron’s conclusion that the laws of war justifiably prohibit attacks on civilians even if it (...)
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  10.  45
    Strategies to Minimize Risks and Exploitation in Phase One Trials on Healthy Subjects.Adil E. Shamoo & David B. Resnik - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):W1-W13.
    Most of the literature on phase one trials has focused on ethical and safety issues in research on patients with advanced cancer, but this article focuses on healthy, adult subjects. The article makes six specific recommendations for protecting the rights and welfare of healthy subjects in phase one trials: 1) because phase one trials are short in duaration (usually 1 to 3 months), researchers should gather more data on the short-term and long-term risks of participation in phase one studies by (...)
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  11. Siyasătin fălsăfăsi: dövlăt vă onun inkişaf mărhălălări siyasi aristokratizmin tăkamül dinamikası işiǧında / Adil Äsädov.Adil Äsädov - 2001 - Bakı: "Nafta-Press" Năşriyyatı.
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    Ibn Sina risâleleri. Avicenna, Qustạ̄ ibn Lūqā & Abū al-Faraj ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Tayyib - 1953 - Ankara,: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
    1. Uyun al-hikma, et l'opuscule d'Abu'l Faraj et la réfutation d'Ibn Sina, édité et annoté par H.Z. Ülken.--2. Les opuscules d'Ibn Sina, et Le livre de la différence entre l'esprit et l'âme, par Qosta b. Luqa; édité, étudié et onnoté [sic] par H.Z. Ülken.--3. Aşkın mâhiyeti hakkında risâle, neşreden ve Türkçeye çeviren A. Ateş.
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  13. al-Tayyārāt al-fikrīyah fī al-madhāhib al-adabīyah al-gharbīyah.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Ghālib ʻAwājī - 2023 - [Medina, Saudi Arabia?]: Markaz Suṭūr lil-Baḥth al-ʻIlmī.
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  14. Mā maʻná an takūna Musliman?Āl ʻAwaḍ & Maḥmūd ibn Ḥusayn - 2018 - al-Qalyūbīyah [Egypt]: Tabṣīr li-Taqrīb al-Turāth wa-al-Radd ʻalá al-Shubuhāt.
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  15. Ḥāshiyat al-Bājūrī ʻalā al-Sullam.Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad Bājūrī - 1966 - Edited by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Akhḍarī.
  16. Hayy ibn Yaqian.Hayy ibn Yaqian - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 260.
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    Maqūlat al-shayʼ al-riwāqīyah wa-athruhā fī al-fikr al-Islāmī: al-uṣūl al-tārīkhīyah li-thubūt al-maʻdūm, ʻālam al-muthul wa-al-aʻyān al-thābitah.ʻAbd al-Ḥakīm ibn Yūsuf Khalīfī - 2022 - ʻAmmān, al-Urdun: Dār al-Rayāḥīn.
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  18. Sharḥ al-Ḥawāshī al-zāhidīyah ʻalá Mullā Jalāl.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Ḥaqq ibn Muḥammad Faḍl Ḥaqqī Khayrābādī - 1898 - Dilhī: Maṭbaʻ Mujtabāʼī. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    Obra completa del sufí Ibn Masarra de Córdoba (883-931 D.C.).Ibn Masarrah & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh - 2022 - [Córdoba]: Almuzara. Edited by Pilar Garrido, Ibn Masarrah & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh.
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    Equal Worth: When Humanity Will Have Peace.Adil E. Shamoo - 2012 - Upa.
    This book posits three ethical principles by which the concept of equal worth can be used in a practical manner to resolve conflicts and wars. Shamoo argues that once the principle of equal worth is adopted in foreign policy, humanity will be able to achieve peace.
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  21.  36
    (1 other version)Din ile İlişkisi Bağlamında Fıtratın Mahiyeti.Adil Bor - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1671-1704.
    : The thought of the Qurʾān consists of certain concepts. The concept of “fiṭrah” that expresses the physical and spiritual side of the people, is one of crucial concepts which stands for the conseption of the Qurʾān. Therefore this concept has become the one drawing attention of scholars from the earlies. Usually, the concept of “fiṭrah” is interpreted as the religion of Islam and the initial creation or the human potentiality of acception a religion and whether they can change or (...)
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    Religion in Habermas’s Two-Track Political Theory.Adil Usturali - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):566-582.
    This article argues that Habermas’s position on the relationship between religion and politics reaffirms his two-track political theory of the secular state and civic duty. His “hard-core” theory of secularism coupled with an ethics of citizenship seeks new ways of including religious citizens in modern pluralistic societies. The analysis of secularism both as a concept and as a guiding principle in Habermas’s work shows that most critics have misinterpreted his specific use of the term. The result of this is that (...)
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  23.  32
    Becoming photographic.Alev Adil - 2010 - Philosophy of Photography 1 (1):112-115.
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    Ibn Khaldun: nouvelles du Maghreb au XIVe siecle: extraits de la Muqaddima.Ibn Khaldūn - 2013 - Alger: El Dar el Othmania Edition & Distribution. Edited by Mohamed Saouli.
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  25. al-Saʻādah li-Ibn Miskawayh fī falsafat al-akhlāq: wa-fīhi muqaddimah bi-qalam Sayyid ʻAlī al-Ṭūbjī al-Suyūṭī. Wa-yalīhi Kashf al-ghummah ʻan al-ṣūrah al-insānīyah.Ibn Miskawayh & Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad - 1928 - al-Qāhirah: al-Maṭbaʻah al-ʻArabīyah. Edited by ʻAlī al-Ṭubjī Asyūṭī.
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  26.  43
    Reply to Parry and Viehoff, Finlay, Ferzan, and Frowe.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2019 - Ethics 129 (4):651-683.
    This article responds to four others that critically and productively engage with my book, Law and Morality at War. Four themes emerge: the law of armed conflict’s claim to legitimate authority, the relationship between the law of armed conflict and the deep morality of war, the moral norms governing killing in the fog of war, and the moral permissibility of targeting civilians.
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    Sleep Is a Refreshing Process: An fNIRS Study.Adile Oniz, Gonca Inanc, Serhat Taslica, Cagdas Guducu & Murat Ozgoren - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ethics of research involving mandatory drug testing of high school athletes in oregon.Adil E. Shamoo & Jonathan D. Moreno - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):25 – 31.
    There is consensus that children have questionable decisional capacity and, therefore, in general a parent or a guardian must give permission to enroll a child in a research study. Moreover, freedom from duress and coercion, the cardinal rule in research involving adults, is even more important for children. This principle is embodied prominently in the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is embodied in various federal human research protection regulations. In a program named "SATURN" (Student Athletic Testing Using Random Notification), each school (...)
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  29.  11
    Aetius Arabus: d. Vorsokratiker in arabischer Überlieferung.Aetius Arabus, Hans Daiber & Qusṭā ibn Lūqā (eds.) - 1980 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
  30. The erotic and the pornographic in arab culture.Adil Mustafa Ahmad - 1994 - British Journal of Aesthetics 34 (3):278-284.
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    Beyond body and gravity: hybridity and technology in S.B. Divya’s Machinehood.Adil Hussain, Azra Akhtar & Khursheed Ahmad Qazi - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):367-377.
    Donna Haraway views being a cyborg rather than a ‘goddess’ desirable. This feminist slogan can be seen in terms of the democratising power of a hybrid identity facilitated by technology as a substantial alternative to traditional notions of gendered identity. This paper aims to study S. B. Divya’s 2021 novel Machinehood to analyse how technology and identity are tied up in the context of the novel. The paper benefits from the insights from critical posthumanism by analysing how the transformation into (...)
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  32. Risālat al-zawrā.Muḥammad ibn Asad al-Dawwānī] - 2002 - In Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawwānī (ed.), Sabʻ rasāiʼl. Tihrān: Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
  33. Dāʻī al-falāḥ ilá subul al-najāḥ.Sibṭ al-Marṣafī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 2001 - al-Qāhirah: Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah, Wizārat al-Awqāf, al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Shuʼūn al-Islāmīyah, Markaz al-Sīrah wa-al-Sunnah. Edited by Muḥammad ʻAbbās Ḥilmī & Fahīm Muḥammad Shaltūt.
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    Risâle fî tahkîki'l-külliyyât =.Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 2013 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by Muḥammad Mullā Ḥanafī, Ḥasan al-Rūmī, Ömer Türker, Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad.
  35. Taḥrīr al-Qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah.Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 1934 - Edited by ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad Jurjānī & ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar Qazwīnī.
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  36. Jaz̲avāt va mavāqīt.Muḥammad Bāqir ibn Muḥammad Dāmād - 2001 - Tihrān: Mīrās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by ʻAlī ibn Jamshīd Nūrī & ʻAlī Awjabī.
  37. Tadhkirat Ibn Ḥamdūn: al-siyāsah wa-al-ādāb al-malakīyah.Ibn Ḥamdūn & Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan - 1927 - Miṣr: Maktabat al-Khānjī.
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  38.  29
    Defending Civilians from Defensive Killing.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):731-749.
    Helen Frowe’s Defensive Killing is in many respects an excellent book, full of arguments that are original, interesting, important, and often persuasive. In other respects, the book is deeply unsettling, as it forcefully challenges the belief that killing ordinary civilians in armed conflict is a paradigmatic moral wrong. In particular, Frowe argues that civilians who make political, material, strategic, or financial contributions to an unjust war may lose their moral protection from intentional and collateral harm. On this point, Frowe’s arguments (...)
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  39.  63
    The Revolution and the Criminal Law.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (2):231-253.
    Egyptians had many reasons to overthrow the government of Hosni Mubarak, and to challenge the legitimacy of the interim military government. Strikingly, among the leading reasons for the uprising and for continued protest are reasons grounded in criminal justice. Reflection on this dimension of the Egyptian uprising invites a broader examination of the relationship between criminal justice and political legitimacy. While criminal justice is neither necessary nor sufficient for political legitimacy, criminal injustice substantially undermines political legitimacy and can provide independent (...)
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  40. al-Fikr al-wujūdī ʻabra muṣṭalaḥih: dirāsah ʻAdnān ibn Dhurayl.ʻAdnān Ibn Dhurayl - 1985 - Dimashq: Ittiḥād al-Kuttāb al-ʻArab.
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    Tamthīlāt wa-istiʻārāt Ibn Rushd: min manṭiq al-burhān ilá manṭiq al-khaṭābah.Fuʼād Ibn Aḥmad - 2012 - Bayrūt: Manshūrāt Ḍifāf.
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    Tamhīd al-qawāʻid: kitāb al-tamhīd fī sharḥ Qawāʻid al-tawḥīd.Turkah Iṣfahānī & ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad - 2002 - Qum: Alif Lām Mīm. Edited by Ḥasan Ḥasanʹzādah Āmulī.
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    From Sufism to Ahmadiyya: A Muslim Minority Movement in South Asia.Adil Hussain Khan - 2015 - Indiana University Press.
    The Ahmadiyya Muslim community represents the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a charismatic leader whose claims of spiritual authority brought him into conflict with most other Muslim leaders of the time. The controversial movement originated in rural India in the latter part of the 19th century and is best known for challenging current conceptions of Islamic orthodoxy. Despite missionary success and expansion throughout the world, particularly in Western Europe, North America, and parts of Africa, Ahmadis have effectively been banned from (...)
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  44. Muqaddimat Al- Allamah Ibn Khaldun.Ibn Khaldun - 1900 - Al-Matba Ah Al-Adabiyah.
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  45. Muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun Li-Kitab Al- Ibar Wa-Diwan Al-Mubtada Wa-Al-Khabar Fi Ayyam Al- Arab Wa-Al- Ajam Wa-Al-Barbar Wa-Man Asarahum Min Dhawi Al-Sultan Al-Akbar.Ibn Khaldun - 1930 - Al-Matba Ah Al-Bahiyah Al-Misriyah.
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  46. al-Ḥāshīyah ʻalá shurūḥ al-Ishārāt (al-Ishārāt wa-Sharḥ al-Ishārāt wa-Sharḥ al-Sharḥ wa-Ḥāshiyat al-Bāghanawī).Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Khuwānsārī - 1999 - Qum: Markaz Intishārāt Daftar Tablīghāt Islāmī. Edited by Aḥmad ʻĀbidī.
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    al-Uṣūl al-ʻilmīyah lil-amr bi-al-maʻrūf wa-al-nahy ʻan al-munkar: maʻa bayān juhūd al-Mamlakah al-ʻArabīyah al-Saʻūdīyah fī hādhā al-majāl.ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ibn Muḥammad Maghdhawī - 2000 - [Medina]: al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah li-Jāʼizat al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah.
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  48. al-Muqtaṭafāt al-nāfiʻah min thimār al-muṭālaʻah.Muḥammad al-Amīn ibn al-Shaykh ibn Mazīd Mūrītānī - 2002 - [ United Arab Emarates ?: [S.N.].
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  49. Wasīlat al-najāh min fitan al-ḥayāh wa-al-mamāt li-aḥwaj al-ʻibād li-ghufrān al-dhunūb wa-al-zallāt.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Aḥmad al-Shinqīṭī Mūrītānī - 2002 - [Casablanca?: [S.N.].
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    Jāmiʻ al-saʻādāt.Muḥammad Mahdī ibn Abī Z̲arr Narāqī - 1968 - [al-Najaf]: Dār al-Nuʻmān lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Muḥammad Kalāntar.
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